
Fellowship Trained
Michael Cooney, MD
Fellowship Trained: Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy
Interests: Sports Medicine, Trauma-Related Injuries, Arthroscopy, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Total Shoulder Replacement, Fracture Management, General Orthopaedics, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Shoulder Surgery
Michael Leighton, MD
Fellowship Trained: Sports Medicine
Interests: Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Fracture Management, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, General Orthopaedics, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Shoulder Surgery, Total Shoulder Replacement, Trauma-Related Injuries
Andrew R. Noble, MD
Fellowship Trained: Total Joint Replacement
Interests: Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement
Scott Norris, DO
Fellowship Trained: Sports Medicine
Interests: Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, General Orthopaedics, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Fracture Management, Shoulder Surgery, Trauma-Related Injuries
Kenneth Gerszberg, MD
Fellowship Trained: Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle
Interests: General Orthopaedics, Arthroscopy, Fracture Management, Pediatric Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Trauma-Related Injuries, Total Ankle Replacement, Foot & Ankle Surgery
James Kerpsack, MD
Fellowship Trained: Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Interests: Pediatric Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Fracture Management, General Orthopaedics, Hand Surgery, Shoulder Surgery, Trauma-Related Injuries
Fernando Mora, MD
Fellowship Trained: Interventional Pain Medicine
Interests: Anesthesiology, Interventional Pain Medicine, Pain Management, Spine Fractures
Andrew Seltzer, DO
Fellowship Trained: Hand/Wrist/Upper Extremity Surgery
Interests: Arthroscopy, Fracture Management, General Orthopaedics, Hand/Wrist Surgery, Total Knee Replacement, Total Wrist Joint Replacement, Total Finger Joint Replacement
Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) of the Hip
This is a weakening and collapse of the bone in the head of your femur. That's the ball that fits in the socket of your hip. As this bone gradually dies and breaks apart, you can develop painful arthritis in your hip.
Bursitis of the Hip (Trochanteric Bursitis)
This is an irritation or swelling of the trochanteric bursa. This small, fluid-filled sac is found on the outer side of the femur. It acts as a cushion for the iliotibial band, a thick tendon in your leg.
Hamstring Muscle Injuries
The hamstrings are three powerful muscles that travel along the back of your thigh. They are the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus and the biceps femoris muscles. They help bend your knee and extend your leg behind your body. Because these muscles handle high loads of stress, they are...
Hip Fracture
This is a break of the upper part of your femur. The femur is the long bone in your upper leg. At the top of the femur is the "head." This is the ball that fits into your hip socket. A hip fracture may happen at the "neck" of the femur (the thin portion of bone under the head). Fractures may also...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
This is a problem on the outer side of your thigh. It's an inflammation of the iliotibial band. That's a thick band of tissue that spans from your hip to your shinbone. When this band becomes in inflamed, it can hurt.
Labral Tear of the Hip (Acetabular Labrum Tear)
If your hip joint hurts, or if it catches or clicks when you move your leg, you may have a torn labrum. That's a rim of tissue that surrounds the hip's socket. It helps to deepen the socket and cushion the joint. A torn labrum can keep the hip joint from working smoothly.
Living With Osteoarthritis of the Hip
When you have osteoarthritis of the hip, sometimes it's hard to be as active as you like. But you can still do many of the things you enjoy. You just have to know how to manage your condition.
Meniscus Tear
This is a common injury of the knee. Your knee joint is cushioned by two c-shaped wedges of cartilage called the "menisci." Each individual cushion is called a "meniscus." This injury is a tear of one of these cushions.
Muscle Strain Injuries of the Hip
The hip is where the femur meets the pelvis. Several strong muscles are found here. They handle high loads of stress. They may suffer from overstretching and tearing. This is called a muscle "strain." It's a common injury among athletes who play sports that require sudden starts and stops.
This is the most common form of arthritis. It can make your joints feel stiff and painful. It's a common condition that affects men and women. It most often affects older people.
Osteoarthritis of the Hip
This type of arthritis, also called "degenerative joint disease," is a breakdown of the cartilage in your hip joint. As this protective cartilage wears away, bone rubs against bone. Bony growths called "bone spurs" may form in the joint. Pain from osteoarthritis can keep you from being as active...