Frozen shoulder results in stiffness or pain in your shoulder. It is not fully known what causes this condition, but there are a few factors that can make you more susceptible to developing it, such as diabetes and age. Frozen shoulder can also develop after a period of shoulder immobilization, which can occur after surgery or an injury to the shoulder.
There are three main stages of frozen shoulder: freezing, frozen, and thawing. In the freezing stage, shoulder pain begins to worsen, making it hard to move your shoulder. In the frozen stage, some of the pain may subside, but stiffness usually begins to increase at this time. In the thawing stage, your shoulder mobility begins to improve.
Nonsurgical treatments for frozen shoulder include:
- Hydrodilatation, which involves injecting fluid into the joint to expand and stretch the shoulder
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Physical therapy
- Steroid injections
If nonsurgical treatment options fail to provide relief, surgery may be recommended. A specialty-trained surgeon will work with you to create a surgical treatment plan that is right for you and your shoulder. This plan may include shoulder arthroscopy, a manipulation surgery, or another type of shoulder surgery.
For more information on frozen shoulder or if you are experiencing shoulder pain, schedule an appointment online with one of our shoulder specialists at Palm Beach Orthopaedic Institute or please call (561) 694-7776.